Technische Infos/OpenShift

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About this documentation

This documentation is meant to provide useful information about how to operate your OpenShift cluster. The goal of this documentation is to provide examples of how to deploy a project and best practices. Most of the examples make use of the Command Line Interface (CLI).

In addition, Red Hat provides an excellent documentation about OpenShift, so it could be a good starting point. Also, there you are going to find plenty of information about many different topics and configurations that you may are interested in. An other documentation you could read is the underline engine of OpenShift, kubernetes (k8s).

At the examples, replace the values inside the round brackets/ parentheses ({{ }}) with your values.

Finally, noris networks believes there is always room for improvement, so we would appreciate your feedback. Please, do not hesitate to contact us at

Command Syntax Conventions

The conventions used to present command syntax in this documentation. The Command Reference describes these conventions as follows:

  • Curly brackets ({{ }}) indicate user change to the command

Getting started with OpenShift


There are two options to login to your OpenShift cluster:

  • Web interface: you need a browser to access your cluster
  • CLI: you need a terminal to access your cluster

Web Interface

Login-gui 2.png
  1. Open the server URL

  2. Choose the correct identity provider (IDP). Hint: Don’t use “noris” because this is used by system-admins of noris network.

  3. Type in your username and the password.

    Login-gui 1.png

You are now logged in.



Every command on OpenShift starts with oc. Thus, the oc command must be installed on your computer. This command is also known as OpenShift CLI tools.

Install OpenShift CLI tools

The easiest way to install OpenShift CLI tools is by downloading it from your OpenShift website:

  1. Open a browser and login at your OpenShift cluster

  2. At the top right corner of your screen click on the question mark icon

  3. From the dropdown menu, click on the second option, named “Command Line Tools”

  4. A new page will open in which you can download the package which matches your Operation System (OS)

For Mac Users

Mac users can also use the brew package-manager to install the OpenShift CLI tools:

<source lang="bash">brew install openshift-cli</source>


Once, the OpenShift CLI tools is installed, use the oc login command to login.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc login -u ${USENAME} -s https://api.<MY_DOMAIN>:6443</source> Hint: You should have received the credentials and the server URL via e-mail.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc login -u ${USENAME} -s https://api.<MY_DOMAIN>:6443

Authentication required for SERVERNAME (openshift) Username: USERNAME Password: <PASSWORD> Login successful.

You have access to 3 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'

Using project "test".</source> You are now logged in.

Grant privileges to users

You can assign one of the following roles to the accounts of your cluster:

  • admin: make an account admin of the specific project
  • edit: give the privilege to an account to deploy objects in a specified project except roles and bindings
  • view: give the privilege to an account to only view objects in a specified project except roles and bindings

You can assign the above roles by the following command:

<source lang="bash">oc adm policy add-role-to-user Vorlage:Role Vorlage:My-username -n Vorlage:Project</source> For instance, give the edit privilege to the account with the username “my-username” in the project named “my-new-project”:

<source lang="shell">$ oc adm policy add-roles-to-user edit my-username -n my-new-project</source> In order to manage your users authorization better, there have been created six different groups:

Each group has its unique privileges.

Hint: Those privileges can be assigned to users via CLI


Allows a user to monitor cluster resources via capacity management.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc adm groups add-users nn-capacity-management ${USERNAME}</source>


Allows a user to create new projects.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc adm groups add-users nn-self-provisioner ${USERNAME}</source>


Allows a user to view all the namespaces of the cluster.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc adm groups add-users nn-namespace-viewer ${USERNAME}</source>


Allows a user to manage the resourcequotas and limitranges of all the projects which have been created by any custom account.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc adm groups add-users nn-resources-mgmt ${USERNAME}</source>


Allows a user to add or remove users from the following groups:

$ oc adm groups add-users nn-group-manager ${USERNAME}

Next, that user should be able to manage those groups. For instance:

  • To add users to a group:

      $ oc adm groups add-users {{NAME-OF-THE-GROUP}} {{USERNAME_1}} {{USERNAME_2}}
  • To remove users from a group:

      $ oc adm groups remove-users {{NAME-OF-THE-GROUP}} {{USERNAME_1}} {{USERNAME_2}}


Allows a user to have all the above privileges. In addition, grants a user the permissions to create resourcesquotas objects.

<source lang="bash">$ USERNAME=Vorlage:USERNAME $ oc adm groups add-users nn-customer-admin ${USERNAME}</source>


Role and group

We need the user1 to be able to:

  • Create new objects inside the prj-example project. The project is already present
  • Edit resourcequotas and limitranges objects

User1 has been given the following role(s) to the project “prj-example” and is member of group(s):

  • edit (role)
  • nn-resources-mgmt (group)

Therefore user1 will be able to create new objects inside that prj-example project except roles and bindings. In addition, user1 can edit resourcequotas and limitranges objects of every project which has been created by him or from any other user.

Multiple groups

We need a user who will be able to:

  • Edit resources of all projects
  • Create new projects

User2 has been given the following roles/ is member of group:

  • nn-self-provisioner (group)
  • nn-resources-mgmt (group)
  • nn-namespace-viewer (group, optional)

Therefore this account will be able to create new projects. Also, it would be able to edit resourcequotas and limitranges objects of every project which has been created by itself or any other user. Optionally, you could give that account the privilege to retrieve a list of all projects.


New Project

The first project is named default. Use the oc new-project command to create a new project.

<source lang="bash">$ oc new-project my-new-project Now using project "my-new-project" on server "https://api.<MY_DOMAIN>:6443".</source>

Create New App

Firstly, you verify that you work on the correct project, then you deploy the new application.

<source lang="bash">$ oc project Using project "my-new-project" on server "https://api.<MY_DOMAIN>:6443".</source>

Build image

Create an image from a specific repository:

<source lang="bash">$ oc new-build php~</source> Apply resource limits and quotas for the image creation:

<source lang="bash">$ oc patch buildconfig sample-code -p '{"spec":{"resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "100m","memory": "100Mi"},"limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "200Mi"}}}}' patched $ oc delete build sample-code-1 "sample-code-1" deleted $ oc start-build sample-code started $ oc get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE sample-code-2-build 0/1 Completed 0 116m</source> Once, the status of the oc get pod command is set to “Completed”, you will be able to continue to the next step. ### Deploy code

Deploy code and apply resource limits and quotas:

<source lang="bash">$ oc new-app image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/my-new-project/sample-code --allow-missing-images ... $ oc patch deploy sample-code -p '{"spec": {"template": { "spec": {"containers": [ {"name":"sample-code","image":"image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/my-new-project/sample-code","resources":{"requests": {"cpu":"100m","memory": "100Mi"},"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"100Mi"}}}]}}}}' deployment.apps/sample-code patched</source>

View pods

Use the oc get pod to view the status of the pods of the current project.

<source lang="bash">$ oc get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE sample-code-1-build 1/1 Running 0 70s</source>

Expose the App

Use the oc expose command to make your application accessible from the internet.

<source lang="bash">$ oc expose service sample-code exposed</source> Access it from: http://sample-code-my-new-project.apps.<MY_DOMAIN>

Enable Secure Connections

Use the following command to enable secure connections on your application.

<source lang="bash">$ oc patch route sample-code -p '{"spec":{"tls":{"termination":"edge"}}}' patched</source>

Scale the App

Use the oc scale command to set the replication number of a pod.

<source lang="bash">$ oc scale deploy/sample-code --replicas=2 deployment.apps/sample-code scaled $ oc get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE sample-code-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 85m sample-code-55856d4455-9cqpf 1/1 Running 0 82m sample-code-55856d4455-vjd89 1/1 Running 0 55s</source>

Beginning with OpenShift

New Project

A Project is a special object which provides isolation regarding resources. Every project gets its own resources and it cannot be affected by any other project. You can create new projects by running the following command:

<source lang="bash">oc new-project Vorlage:MY-NEW-PROJECT</source> Keep in mind that you need to be a user inside the group nn-self-provisioner.

If a project is created using the above command, LimitRanges and ResourceQuotas objects will be applied to that project since 03.2022. Those objects can be modified only by accounts which are members of the nn-customer-admin group or nn-resources-mgmt group

Ways to modify ResourceQuotas / LimitRanges via GUI or CLI:



  1. Select the project, you are interested in
  2. Scroll down on the left side of the console and click on “Administration”
  3. Select the object type, you want to edit:
    • ResourceQuotas
    • LimitRanges
  4. Click on the “Edit” option from the dropdown menu


<source lang="bash">oc edit ResourceQuota Vorlage:NAME -n oc edit LimitRange Vorlage:NAME -n </source>


Pods are the smallest, most basic and most ephemeral objects in OpenShift. A pod can contain one or more than one containers. You can configure a pod to use pesistent storage and limit. In most cases, you will not deploy a pod object. Pod objects are mostly used to test a configuration quickly.

If a pod object is deployed and then it is deleted, it will not be recreated.

Hint: Pods can be created and managed from other objects such as deployment objects.

Save your Data

OpenShift does not store any data by default, hence if a pod is deleted, its data will be lost. Even if the pod is recreated, it will not be created with any data. However, this issue can be easily resolved by creating an additional object (PVC) and adding a few snippets of code at your object’s configuration.

Build strategies

OpenShift provides a few mechanisms to control container images (the terminology of docker images might be confusing, so it will be avoided). OpenShift has an internal container image registry to store the images that are used or built. There are two commands to build images:

  • oc new-build
  • oc new-app

Both commands are somewhat similar in function. Both create buildconfiguration and image stream (is for short). However, the latter creates additionally some OpenShift resources such as Service and DeploymentConfig.

In addition, there are two different strategies to create images:

  1. Source-to-Image (S2I)
  2. Docker build

place here the oc new-build, oc new-app plus explanation

For further reading, please visit Red Hat documentation.


Fix github repo to a noris one S2I is an alternative option to Docker build (Dockerfile). It builds container images of applications in a fast, flexible and reproducible way. It produces images by injecting application source code into the container image.

The oc new-build command is used to create images.

<source lang="bash">$ oc new-build Vorlage:BUILDER-IMAGE~Vorlage:GIT-REPOSITORY --strategy=source --name=Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME $ oc patch buildconfig Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME -p '{"spec":{"resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "Vorlage:CPU-VALUEm","memory": "Vorlage:MEMORY-VALUEMi"},"limits": {"cpu": "Vorlage:CPU-VALUEm","memory": "Vorlage:MEMORY-VALUEMi"}}}}' $ oc start-build Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME $ oc delete build Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME-1</source> <source lang="bash">$ oc new-build php~ --strategy=source --name=my-image-s2i $ oc patch buildconfig my-image-s2i -p '{"spec":{"resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "100m","memory": "100Mi"},"limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "200Mi"}}}}' $ oc start-build my-image-s2i $ oc delete build my-image-s2i-1 $ oc get is NAME IMAGE REPOSITORY TAGS UPDATED my-image-docker default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.<MY_DOMAIN>/my-new-project/my-image-docker latest 15 minutes ago my-image-s2i default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.<MY_DOMAIN>/my-new-project/my-image-s2i</source>

Docker build

The docker build strategy expects a Dockerfile to be present at the repository. It will be used the same command as in S2I, oc new-build but it uses different parameters.

<source lang="bash">$ oc new-build Vorlage:GIT-REPOSITORY --strategy=docker --name=Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME $ oc patch buildconfig Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME -p '{"spec":{"resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "Vorlage:CPU-VALUEm","memory": "Vorlage:MEMORY-VALUEMi"},"limits": {"cpu": "Vorlage:CPU-VALUEm","memory": "Vorlage:MEMORY-VALUEMi"}}}}' $ oc start-build Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME $ oc delete build Vorlage:IMAGE-NAME-1</source> <source lang="bash">$ oc new-build --strategy=docker --name=my-image-docker $ oc patch buildconfig my-image-docker -p '{"spec":{"resources": {"requests": {"cpu": "100m","memory": "100Mi"},"limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "200Mi"}}}}' $ oc start-buildmy-image-docker $ oc delete build my-image-docker-1 $ oc get is NAME IMAGE REPOSITORY TAGS UPDATED my-image-docker default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.<MY_DOMAIN>/my-new-project/my-image-docker latest 9 minutes ago </source>

Dealing with certificates

You should know the public IP of your cluster.

<source lang="bash">$ host app1.apps.<MY_DOMAIN> app1.apps.<MY_DOMAIN> has address</source> You should create an A record of your domain to the above IP.

Next, download the certificates to your computer. At the example below, certificates are present in ~/Downloads/.

Everything is set to create the route which will use the selected certificates.

<source lang="bash">$ HOSTNAME=Vorlage:HOSTNAME $ oc create route edge --service=sample-code \

   --cert ~/Downloads/my.crt \
   --key ~/Downloads/priv.key \
   --ca-cert ~/Downloads/ca.crt \

Access to Red Hat Knowledge base

Red Hat provides a knowledge base which holds "subscriber exclusive content" for example When searching for issues via popular search engines, its common to encounter these articles, but sadly they aren't directly accessible.

Noris network customers can circumvent this restriction by requesting a Developer subscription for individuals from Red Hat, its free and runs a whole year. After that year expires, it can be requested again.

Before you request that license, Red Hat advises to read the following articles:

How do I get the no-cost Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Subscription or renew it?

Red Hat Developer Program Terms and Conditions

No-cost Red Hat Enterprise Linux Individual Developer Subscription: FAQs


OpenShift does not save any data permanently, unless it is instructed to do so. This means that if a pod is destroyed by any means, the data will be lost forever. Thus, Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) should be used.
In most cases only a PVC should be created and defining a Storage Class (SC). In addition, SC lets you define how that PVC should operate. For instance, I would like my PVC to have the read-write permission by a single node. Those requests can be satisfied by the accessModes.

Remember: Each SC supports different accessModes.

Persistent Volume (PV)

A PV is a piece of storage which can be created by the administrator or can be dynamically provisioning by a SC. Then, this object can be attached to a PVC.
It is unlikely to create a PV object by your own, because PVs are automatically created by SC which are defined at a PVC object.

Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

A PVC object must be created in order for your data to be saved permanently. Next, this PVC will be used by pods to request a storage/PV with some specific characteristics. For instance, at the following code, a storage is requested, named my-pvc, having 3Gi of space and it is attached to a pod named my-pvc-pod.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata:

 name: my-pvc


 storageClassName: thin
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 3Gi

EOF</source> Next, a pod is created, making use of that PVC.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:

 name: my-pvc-pod


   - name: task-pv-container
     image: busybox
         memory: "64Mi"
         cpu: "100m"
         memory: "128Mi"
         cpu: "200m"
     command: [ "sleep", "300"]
       - mountPath: "/mnt"
         name: my-data
 - name: my-data
     claimName: my-pvc


Storage Class (SC)

In the previous example, a SC was specified in the PVC, meaning that you do not have to take any additional actions, like to create a PV. This is automatically done by OpenShift.

There are two types of SC:

  • thin: is a block storage type and the default value of the SC. If you do not specify a SC, the thin SC will be used.
  • netapp: is a file storage type

The storage type subject is out of the scope of this documentation. However, you can find more information here.

Extra info: There are some applications which operate using S3 storage. Those applications do not create PVC to store their data. But a S3 configuration should be present. There are a few ways to setup a S3 configuration, for instance:

  • configmap
  • environment variables
  • secrets

An example of a configmap could be like:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: s3-conf
  s3.conf: |-
    host_base =
    host_bucket = %(bucket)
    cloudfront_host =
    simpledb_host =
    use_https = True
    access_key = my-key
    secret_key = my-secret-key


The option accessModes can be set to one of following, depending on the SC:

  • ReadWriteOnce (RWO): is mounted as read-write by a single node. It can be used with both SC.
  • ReadWriteMany (RWX): is mounted as read-write by many nodes. It can be used only with the netapp SC.
  • ReadOnlyMany (ROX): is mounted as read-only by many nodes. It can be used only with the netapp SC.

The following example creates a PVC using the thin SC and sets the accessMode to ReadWriteOnce. If the thin SC is used with the RWX accessMode, an error will occur.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata:

 name: example-pvc


 storageClassName: thin
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 1Gi


Compare accessModes and Storage Classes

Beside the difference of the accessModes between the two SC, there is a significant difference on the performance:

The following metrics are produced by the fio command between the thin and the netapp SC using the RWO and the RWX accessModes.

Test-accessMode thin-RWO netapp-RWO netapp-RWX
Random Read/Write
1072MiB/s / 1153MiB/s
110MiB/s / 108MiB/s
106MiB/s / 107MiB/s
Average Latency (usec)
268.77/292.49 735.37/814.38 807.79/830.78
Sequential Read/Write 1049MiB/s / 1113MiB/s 109MiB/s / 108MiB/s 106MiB/s / 110MiB/s
Mixed Random
Read/Write IOPS
37.5k/12.5k 26.3k/8753 25.4k/8509

The table above shows that RWO on the thin SC can be at about 10 times faster than the netapp SC and it has much less latency, which could be crucial parameter at some applications.


The examples below should not be used in production.

SC: thin, RWO

In this example a MySQL instance will be created and the persistent storage will be 1Gb. The SC can be omitted, because it is set to thin (default value) and the accessMode is set to RWO.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata:

 name: mysql-pvc


 storageClassName: thin
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 1Gi

--- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata:

 name: mysql


 replicas: 1
     app: mysql
       app: mysql
     - image: mysql:8
       name: mysql
           cpu: 100m
           memory: 200Mi
           cpu: 100m
           memory: 100Mi
       - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
         value: top-secret
       - containerPort: 3306
         name: mysql
       - name: mysql-data
         mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
     - name: mysql-data
         claimName: mysql-pvc


SC: netapp, RWX

This deployment will use a busybox image to create two pods. The same PVC will be mounted to both pods at the following path /srv/data. Data which are created by one pod will be present to the other. To achieve that, the netapp SC is used and the accessMode has been set to RWX.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata:

 name: busybox-pvc


 storageClassName: netapp
   - ReadWriteMany
     storage: 1Gi

--- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:

 name: my-busybox


 replicas: 2
     app: my-busybox
       app: my-busybox
     - image:
       name: busy
           memory: "64Mi"
           cpu: "100m"
           memory: "128Mi"
           cpu: "200m"
       command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo The app is running! && sleep 36000']
       - name: busybox-data
         mountPath: /srv/data
     - name: busybox-data
         claimName: busybox-pvc


oc patch deployment sample-code -p ‘{“spec”: {“template”: {“spec”: {“containers”:[{“resource”:{""}}]} }}}’

oc set image deployment/sample-code</source>

Network Isolation

The OpenShift clusters provided by noris network use either the OpenShiftSDN or the OVN SDN (Software-defined networking). Both SDN implementations allow any kind of traffic in the cluster (pod to pod, namespace to namespace, internal to external, external to internal). If you want to filter ingress or egress traffic of your OpenShift project, then you need to use NetworkPolicies.

You can find a very good documentation about the Network Policies in the OpenShift documentation.

Allow only traffic from ingress

If you want to limit the traffic to your project to the OpenShift-ingress pods (Route/Ingress objects), then you could use the following policies.

Deny by default

If you want to deny all traffic to pods of a project:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: deny-by-default
  ingress: []

Allow from OpenShift Ingress

Use the following NetworkPolicy, if you want to allow connections to your project from the OpenShift Ingress controller. The default endpoint publishing strategy for clusters managed by noris network is HostNetwork. In addition, the default namespace has an additional annotation ( ingress) to identify the traffic.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-from-openshift-ingress
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress

Allow traffic from pods within a project

If you want to allow traffic between pods within a project:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-same-namespace
  - from:
    - podSelector: {}

Best Practices

It is recommended to follow some rules to get the maximum experience in OpenShift.

Deploy an Application

There are many kinds of objects in OpenShift which can be used to deploy an application. Depending on your goal, you should use one of the following objects:

  • deamonset
  • deployment
  • deploymentconfig
  • statefulset

The pod is not included at the list above. It is not a good practice to deploy applications using pod objects. Pods are considered the simpler and the most ephemeral objects. If a pod object is deleted and it was not managed by any other object, it will not be recreated.


It is considered a great practice to set replicates of your deployments. There a few reason, you should do that and set your replication higher than one:

  • Reliability: having multiple instances of your pods is highly recommended. A pod can be deleted due to node upgrades or application updates. So, replication ensures that the application will continue to be functional by creating new pods
  • Load balancing: OpenShift can redirect network traffic, if you have high traffic on one of your nodes
  • Scaling: you can share the load of your application between the pods

Requests and Limits

It is considered a good practice to use resources/requests and resources/limits in your objects. This can prevent the unfortunate situation of a pod to consume a high amount of resources making the node unstable. Remember, the values of the limits must be equal or higher from the values of requests.

The following example instructs OpenShift to create a pod with guaranteed 250m CPU and 64Mi RAM but the pod should not use more than 500m CPU and 128Mi RAM.

<source lang="bash">$ cat << EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:

 name: my-pvc-pod


   - name: my-pod-resources
     image: busybox
         memory: "64Mi"
         cpu: "250m"
         memory: "128Mi"
         cpu: "500m"
     command: [ "sleep", "300"]



On project level you can also define the LimitRange object. With Limit Ranges the following can be achieved.

  • Minimum and maximum values for requests and limit definitions in pods
  • Default requests and limit definitions (if a pod is created without a requests/limits definition)

More information about limit ranges can be found here.


In addition to Limit Ranges you can also limit the resources (memory, cpu) in a specific project with the ResourceQuota object.

More information about ResourceQuotas can be found here.

Persistent storage

Your application will not save any data permanently by default, if OpenShift is not configured to do so. As follows, the creation of PVC objects are highly recommended in order to prevent any data loss.

Dockerhub rate limits

Dockerhub has enabled restrictions on its services, for more information check the docker site:

  • Anonymous users are limited to 100 container image pull requests per 6 hours
  • Free dockerhub users are limited to 200 container image pull requests per 6 hours
  • Docker Pro and Docker Team account can perform 50,000 pulls per 24 hours

Openshift API Constraints

Openshift has high emphasis on security. Contrary to popular kubernetes distributions, applications don't run in root context and user accounts don't obtain admin privileges.

Noris network may support a customer installing Openshift Operators as Managed Container Service; they are not part of the regular platform service offering.

Customer users will not be able to create the following clusterwide objects. If needed they can be requested via Ticket (Service Request) or as part of a Managed Container Service.

Important (sorted by perceived relevance):<syntaxhighlight> podsecuritypolicies.policy </syntaxhighlight>Likely unimportant (unsorted):<syntaxhighlight> componentstatuses nodes </syntaxhighlight>

Red Hat Single Sign-On

Keycloak (Red Hat Single Sign-On) is used to authenticate users. For instance, you can set up your Identity Provider (IDP) or create accounts by setting username/ password. In addition, you can set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and much more.


You have to use your OpenShift credentials in order to login.

Hint: The credentials of the first user have been sent to the email address that is specified at the order. Normal users can not create or modify any setting. Also, do not delete the first account before you create a new user and grant that account the realm admin privilege. Remember: you can use restful calls.

That account is granted with the nn-customer-admin privileges.

Remember: do not delete that email, before you create additional accounts.

Create account

Rhsso user pass s1.png
  1. Login to the keycloak service
  2. Select Users
  3. Select Add user
Rhsso user pass s2.png

On the next screen, you should fill in the details of the new account.

Notify user

Rhsso user pass s3.png

Next, you have to notify the user about the new account and set some options:

  1. Select “Credentials”
  2. Choose the operation(s) that you want the user to take by clicking on the “Reset Actions”
  3. Press the “Send email” button

Most options are self-explaining and it is advised to select at least the following:

  • Verify Email An email will be sent to the user which will contain a link to get verified
  • Update Password The user will be prompted to update his/ her password
  • Configure OTP (2FA) Once the user enter his/her credentials, he/ she will be asked to configure Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). For instance: FreeOTP or Google Authenticator

Setup a password (optional)

Optionally, you can specify a password for a selected account:

  1. Select “Users”, which can be found at the left sidebar
  2. Select the user
  3. Select the tab named “Credentials”
  4. Set a password

Hint: If you want to prompt the user to change its password, set the “Temporary” option to “ON”.

If you want to set some rules for the passwords:

  1. Select “Authentication”, which can be found at the left sidebar
  2. Select the tab named “Password Policy”
  3. Select “Add policy” and choose an item from the dropdown list
  4. Review policies and press “Save”

The same procedure can be followed to set One Time Password (OTP/ 2FA) policies.


Grant an account admin realm privilege

If you want an account to be able to manage the OpenShift realm:

  1. Login to the keycloak service
  2. Select “Users”
  3. Select the user that you want to give the privileges to. At the following example, the chosen account is named “OpenShift-user”
  4. Select the “Role Mappings” tab
  5. Select the “supeuser_grp” from the “Available Roles”
  6. Press the “Add selected” button


If you want to revoke the admin realm privilege from an account, do the above steps. Only the last two step are different:

  1. Select the “supeuser_grp” from the “Assigned Roles”
  2. Press the “Remove selected” button

Configure an Active Directory (AD)

You can configure keycloak to work with your AD:

  1. Login to the keycloak service
  2. Select “User Federation”
  3. Select the option “ldap” from the dropdown menu [[File:../img/rhsso_ad_s1.png|keycloak_AD_step_1]]
  4. Fill in the form to match your setup:
    1. Enter a name which will be displayed at your login screen. This is displayed only if you have more than one IDP
    2. There are three options, but in most cases the option “READ_ONLY” is used
    3. The rest of the options depend on your AD setup
    4. Expand the “Sync Settings” [[File:../img/rhsso_ad_s2.png|keycloak_AD_step_1]]
  5. Set those options to “ON”, if you want the keycloak to synchronize with your AD and abjust the intervals [[File:../img/rhsso_ad_s3.png|keycloak_AD_step_1]]
  6. Edit these mappers to change AD attributes at keycloak (Only for existing LDAP):
    1. Click on mappers
    2. Pick the one you want to change Below, there is an example on how to change “username” to “mail” for login. [[File:../img/rhsso_mappers.png|keycloak_AD_step_1]] [[File:../img/rhsso_mappers_user.png|keycloak_AD_step_1]]

OpenShift Capacity Management (Prometheus)

This service allows you to monitor the resources of your cluster. And it will alarm us when resources like CPU, memory, disk or the redundancy of the worker nodes are critical.

The Prometheus captures a bunch of metrics of the cluster you can have a look on it. Metrics can be added to that Prometheus from us if requested.

  • prometheus: monitor the resources of your cluster,


Metrics that are available by default:

  • :node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes:sum
  • container_memory_cache
  • container_memory_rss
  • container_memory_swap
  • container_memory_working_set_bytes
  • container_network_receive_bytes_total
  • container_network_receive_packets_dropped_total
  • container_network_receive_packets_total
  • container_network_transmit_bytes_total
  • container_network_transmit_packets_dropped_total
  • container_network_transmit_packets_total
  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
  • container_spec_cpu_quota
  • container_spec_cpu_period
  • container_memory_usage_bytes
  • container_spec_memory_limit_bytes
  • cluster_version
  • instance:node_cpu_utilisation:rate1m
  • instance:node_load1_per_cpu:ratio
  • instance:node_memory_utilisation:ratio
  • instance:node_network_receive_bytes_excluding_lo:rate1m
  • instance:node_network_receive_drop_excluding_lo:rate1m
  • instance:node_network_transmit_bytes_excluding_lo:rate1m
  • instance:node_network_transmit_drop_excluding_lo:rate1m
  • instance:node_num_cpu:sum
  • instance:node_vmstat_pgmajfault:rate1m
  • instance_device:node_disk_io_time_seconds:rate1m
  • instance_device:node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds:rate1m
  • kube_pod_status_phase
  • kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total
  • kube_namespace_labels
  • kube_node_info
  • kube_node_labels
  • kube_node_role
  • kube_node_status_allocatable
  • kube_node_status_capacity
  • kube_node_status_condition
  • kube_persistentvolumeclaim_resource_requests_storage_bytes
  • kube_pod_container_resource_limits
  • kube_pod_container_resource_requests
  • kube_pod_info
  • kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes
  • kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_free
  • kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_used
  • node_uname_info
  • node_memory_MemTotal_bytes
  • node_memory_MemFree_bytes
  • node_cpu_seconds_total
  • node_filesystem_avail_bytes
  • node_filesystem_size_bytes
  • node_namespace_pod_container:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_irate
  • node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_cache
  • node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_rss
  • node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_swap
  • node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_working_set_bytes
  • node_network_receive_bytes_total
  • node_network_transmit_bytes_total
  • node_network_receive_packets_total
  • node_network_transmit_packets_total
  • kube_resourcequota
  • OpenShift_clusterresourcequota_selector
  • OpenShift_clusterresourcequota_usage

Monitor your own applications with that prometheus

If you want to monitor your own applications you can use the Capacity Management Prometheus to scrape the data either to build your own prometheus and save the data or to build your own grafana with own dashboards.

You need to create an own service account located in your project and we will grant you the read access rights to the prometheus. Just send us a service request.

If you want to build a Grafana Dashboard with the data you gather from the Prometheus you have to configure a custom HTTP Header with the follwoing values

Header: Authorization
Value: Bearer $TOKEN

You have to replace $TOKEN with the token of the service account. This token is stored in a secret which exists in the same namespace as the service account. The name of the secret could for example look something like this: prometheus-token-XXXX.

Should you have trouble with the checking of certificates please activate the “Skip TLS Verify” option.

Following is a picture in which all the places where changes need to be made are marked:

[[File:../img/grafana-config.png|thumb|none|alt=Configurations in Grafana|Configurations in Grafana]]

Dashboards: OpenShift4 on “Observe” tab at the GUI


  • etcd: information about the etcd cluster
  • Compute Resources/Cluster: information about the resources of each namespace/project, including quotas and network traffic
  • Compute Resources/Namespace (Pods): like the Compute Resources/Cluster dashboard, but this dashboard depicts the resources of the pods for the selected namespace
  • Compute Resources/Node (Pods): like the Compute Resources/Cluster dashboard, but this dashboard depicts the resources of the pods for the selected node
  • Compute Resources/Pod: details about the selected pod from the selected namespace.
  • USE Method/Cluster: like the Cluster Nodes dashboard, but this dashboard includes diagrams only for the nodes
  • USE Method/Node: like the Cluster Nodes dashboard, but this dashboard includes diagrams only for the selected node

Example Template for an own Grafana

Example grafana template

Openshift Logging (Kibana)

Kibana is an other monitoring service. Kibana monitors everything that takes place inside OpenShift cluster. For instance, it can monitor POST requests of an application. It can be accessed from:


Setup first login

Create index pattern

At first login to kibana you need to define a index pattern.

Under “Step 1 of 2: Define index pattern” you can type "*" to create the default index pattern and go to “Next step”.

Then at “Step 2 of 2: Configure settings” you can select the time filter. There you can set the “@timestamp” filter for default.

Audit logs

Openshift provides audit logs. In case we agreed to use a Elasticsearch cluster as log storage for your setup (for example Openshift Logging), your audit logs will be forwarded to a separate audit index there.

Otherwise they can be viewed by using the openshift client:

Managed Container Services

Additionally to the OpenShift Platform noris network is providing "Managed Container Service(s)" (short: MCS). This contains the deployment and operation of application service workloads as container technology. The development of your application service is supported by the 24/7 operation of noris network - this forms an operating model with clear responsibility.

As a managed container service, noris network takes over the operational responsibility.

This is available for many types of applications, from standard business services to customer-specific applications. Application such as KeyCloak, ArgoCD and more can be consumed by you as managed container service.

For the many other applications or in-house developments, please contact noris network.